Public schools strategic plan developing

A draft copy of the strategic plan being developed for Wrangell Public Schools (WPS) is taking shape. The plan is based on ideas from educators, parents, students and other community members discussed in a planning session in February.

The strategic plan looks ahead for the next three

academic years and focuses on the areas of academic achievement, career and technical education, technology, and safety and facilities. School administrators are still taking feedback from members of the four 6-person committees but will approach the Wrangell Public School Board at its April 27 meeting with a final copy of the plan.

In the area of academics, the development of school progress, student transition, and site partnership development plans are stated goals. Tentatively, a timeline has been set to develop a student transition plan by May 15, which focuses on preparing students for post-graduation. A districtwide partnership plan uniting local stakeholders for the purpose of supporting on-the-job training, apprenticeships and other vocational programs is to be developed before 2016.

In career and technical education, the draft plan outlines a revitalization of the high school's on-the-job training program, while seeking opportunities to expand the current vocational education program with new equipment and courses.

Participants at the February planning session expressed support for this, recommending that students shadow a variety of local professionals at their workplaces to learn what skills are important in a real-world setting.

Steps are already being taken in the area of technical preparation and earning college credits. Wrangell High School reached an agreement with University of Alaska Southeast (UAS) last month to work more closely on the program. The Juneau-area UAS Tech Prep program director will be relocated to Wrangell next month to assist school staff with setting up new classes, which students can participate in online.

Similarly, in the area of technology WPS wants to improve the way teachers integrate new devices and software into the class curriculum, and by the autumn of 2016 they hope to develop a plan to provide four to five highlighted sessions teaching technology concepts to students, parents and community members.

The school district has recently looked to improve faculty and student access to new technologies, even from a young age. Apple iPads were purchased this year for the 121 students at Evergreen Elementary, with staff instructing students how to use the devices to complement their schoolwork.

In the realm of safety and facilities, the plan identifies promoting student safety and wellness, and creation of a comprehensive crisis response plan as goals for the district.

The full strategic plan will be presented to the school board at its meeting in Evergreen Elementary's Room 101 on Monday at 6:30 p.m.


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