Wrangell man arrested for assault charge

A local man was arrested by Wrangell Police Department earlier this month, after allegedly attempting to pick up and then threatening a child.

The complaint was filed against Randolph Kalkins, 46, on May 8 for Assault in the 4th Degree, a Class A misdemeanor. The charge refers to using words or displaying conduct to cause fear of imminent physical injury.

The complaint document explains the arrest followed a report by a local minor, age eight, who told police Kalkins offered her a ride in his car while she was riding her bike along Zimovia Highway near the public park.

When she declined, he allegedly asked again “in a mean way” and threatened to tell her father if she did not accept the ride. The complainant stated she was scared the defendant might hurt her.

In court reports, Kalkins has been said to have admitted offering the girl a ride.

Bail was set at $500, but was contingent on release to the custody of a third party, which has been denied. He is currently in custody at the Wrangell jail, and a trial is scheduled for July 13 at Wrangell First District Court with Judge Kevin Miller presiding.

Kalkins is also being charged with violating conditions of release, a Class B misdemeanor.

He was already facing charges related to violating a protective order, a Class A misdemeanor. The complainant, Kimmie Smith, reported and provided photographic evidence that Kalkins parked his car directly in front of her place of employment on April 18.

Kalkins told Officer Terrell Courson that he had pulled over to make a phone call. However, a condition of the six-month stalking order issued against him on Nov. 10, 2014, called for him to stay away from Smith’s workplace.

He was arrested that day and released on $250 bail on April 19.

If convicted of a Class A misdemeanor in Alaska, Kalkins could be sentenced

to serve up to one year in jail and pay a fine of up to $10,000. Class B misdemeanors are

punishable by up to 90 days

in jail and a fine of up to $2,000.


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