Police reports

Monday, May 18

A caller reported a dead seal on the beach in front of their house.

Agency Assist—Power outage. Line crew notified.

Civil Issue.

Agency Assist—Possible Fire. Fire Department notified.

Tuesday, May 19

Agency Assist—Fire Department.

Wednesday, May 20

A person reported receiving harassing phone calls.

Lost phone.

An officer unlocked a vehicle.

Parking Complaint.

Thursday, May 21

Lost Cell Phone. Later reported found.

A caller reported an individual fell while walking down the street. Officer responded.

Friday, May 22

Police arrested Dana Lynn Cawthorne, 33, on charges of Domestic Violence and Criminal Mischief/Assault.

Illegal Parking. Vehicle was moved before an officer could contact the owner.

Person checked in to serve time.

Report of Theft.

Saturday, May 23

A caller requested an officer for disturbance at Totem Bar.

Agency Assist—Power.

Agency Assist—Officer responded.

Agency Assist—Public Works notified.

The driver of a four-wheeler received a verbal warning and was told not to ride at the running track.

Sunday, May 24

Citizen Assist—Unlock vehicle.

There were two dog complaints and one ambulance call during this week.


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