Police reports

Monday, June 8

Vehicle left on side of the road. Officer made contact with R/O.

Parking Complaint.

Traffic Hazard.

Agency Assist/Public Works: Public Works was notified about blinking red light going off at Shoemaker pump station.

Tuesday, June 9

Report of Theft.

Parking Complaint.

Agency Assist: Caller reported the light on the Public Works box is flashing.

Bench Warrant Arrest: Arrested Shannon Michele Nore, 37, for Failure to Appear.

Time Limit Parking/Abandon Vehicle.

Wednesday, June 10

Parking Complaint.

Missing Dog – Person reported their dog took off.

Courtesy Transport – Officer gave individual a ride.

Report of Theft.

Thursday, June 11

Illegal Parking – Citation issued to Ruth Stough, 59, for Parking in Front of Airport Terminal.

Catering Permits – Requested and Signed.

Noise Complaint – Officer Responded.

Friday, June 12

Report of Theft: Item misplaced.

Report of Hit and Run.

Theft Reported.

Saturday, June 13

Citizen Assist: Caller requested officer to open their vehicle. Officer responded.

Arrested: Larry Aitken, 43, on charges of Violating Conditions of Release.

Parking Complaint.

Sunday, June 14

Hazardous Spill: Caller reported that someone spilled paint in the roadway by Post Office. Officer and FD notified. FD stated it is not paint but fiberglass resin and will not clean up easily.

Traffic Stop – Agency Assist: Verbal warning given for driving habits.

There were three ambulance calls and one dog complaint during this week.


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