The Way We Were

In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

June 24, 1915: The Fourth of July Committee has secured the services of the famous Metlakatla cornet band for the two-day celebration. The boys wired the committee that they would bring their baseball team with them. So it is up to the baseball fans to get ready for two events that will give them an entertainment seldom witnessed in this part of Alaska. (Don't forget to give a hand in preparing the grounds.) Julius Sternburg, Game Warden for this part of Alaska, with headquarters at Ketchikan, was in town this week on his return voyage from Sitka, Warm Springs Bay and the islands to the westward. Julius is certainly taking in the territory assigned to him, which is certainly too large for one to handle, and violators of the game laws had best keep their eyes open for he is liable to pop up at any time and in any old place.

June 28, 1940: Following the lead of Wrangell seiners and cannery workers, as announced in the Sentinel last week, all AFL seiners in Southeast Alaska have agreed to the offer made by the packers and the cannery workers auxiliary has accepted the 1939 wage scale, subject to whatever higher scale may later be set by the industry for the season. Pickets have been called from the lines at all canneries and work is proceeding with the strike at an end. Under the agreement, seiners will get 8 1/2 cents for pinks, 9 1/2 for chums, 20 for cohos and 30 for reds. The 1939 wage scale for cannery workers provided for a guarantee of 150 hours. This year they demanded a guarantee of 200 hours and an increase of 10 cents an hour.

June 25, 1965: Chamber of Commerce President Frank Murkowski reported to the membership at its regular meeting yesterday that Wrangell is now being advertised over radio station CFTK in Terrace B.C. twice daily in an effort to bring additional camper tourists to Wrangell. Some time ago the chamber authorized the expenditure of funds for this purpose but it has taken some time to work out the details. The copy for the broadcasts is written locally by the chamber and sent to the station. The chamber endorsed a proposal by the ferry system whereby local hotel accommodations for tourists may be secured through the purser on the ship and the station agent when all staterooms on the ferry are booked. Everett Buness reported that details are being worked out whereby information on space available can be teletyped to the ships daily.

June 28, 1990: Sweeping changes in management of the Tongass National Forest were proposed Tuesday when the Forest Service issued a draft environmental statement for the 10-year revision to the Tongass Land Management Plan. Included in the document are 17 wild and scenic river recommendations, some in the Wrangell area, and six proposed new wilderness areas. Of the wilderness areas totaling 612,000 acres, a 69,000 research natural area is proposed for the south end of Etolin Island, said Paula Burgess of the Forest Services Juneau office. In addition to the research area, primitive recreation areas also are proposed for the coastal areas northward on the island, she said with semi-primitive recreation areas proposed for still more acreage. Timber harvesting would not be allowed in the 69,000 acre research natural area or in the primitive recreation area, she said. Only salvage operations or cleanup from catastrophic events would be allowed in the semi-primitive recreation area, she said.


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