The Way We Were

In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

July 1, 1915: A movement is reported to be on foot among Alaskans to somewhat reward Bishop Rowe for his long

services in the northland. The plan has not been fully outlined as yet but it has been suggested that subscription lists be

circulated for volunteer offerings. Bishop Rowe is getting along in years and has given the northland the best part of his life since he was ordained twenty years ago, mushing over the long trail of Alaska, establishing hospitals and missions.

July 5, 1940: With a stripped gear in his Ark, but full of Anan Creek salmon and blueberries, Paul Satko, Virginia's 1940 model Alaska pioneer, with his wife and children arrived in Wrangell yesterday forenoon aboard his “Ark of Juneau,” which he hauled overland by trailer from Richmond, Va., and then sailed her into the north. Aboard the 40-foot Ark, powered by a 1927 Buick motor from a car which Satko bought for $10, are Satko, his wife Molly and the seven children ranging in age from Hazel, the oldest, 19, to Betty, the youngest, age 4. Starting from the beginning, Satko explained, its Hazel, Edward, Joe, Grace, Davis, William and Betty. He has two grown children back home and one child died while the family was in Tacoma assembling the Ark for the trip north. Mrs. Satko is an expectant mother.

July 9, 1965: The 3rd annual Scrapfish Derby was won by Jon Campbell with a 7 lb., 4 oz. codfish. With this fish Jon won $10.00 for the largest fish in the derby, a Penn 149 reel with 200 feet of mono-line and a 7 ft. glass salmon rod. He also receives the Rod and Gun Club trophy with his name engraved on it. Al Rinehart won the morning division with a 5 lb. dolly varden trout. Al took home $10.00 plus a glass salmon rod with Penn 149 reel and 200 feet of monofiliment line. Other morning winners were Bullhead, Bob Armstrong, Stephanie Zenger; Cod, Naomi Urata, Bob Armstrong; Mackerel, Larry Beebe, Frank Zahn; Flounder, Bill Krepps, Dan Gross; Sole, Mike Stough, Ken Daily; Trout, Al Rinehart, Frank Ihnet; Eel, Larry Beebe, Al Hansen; Crab, Jon Cabot, Steve Stark; Starfish, Bruce Zahn, Bill Armstrong; Sea Urchin, Larry Beebe, Bill Massin; Smelt, Pat Rooney, Al Hansen; Shrimp, Mike Stough. The first fish was caught by Frank Ihnet.

July 5, 1990: City, state and federal officials plan to meet July 9 in Juneau to discuss the municipality's application to fill the tidelands area between Benjamin's Supermarket and the old downtown mill yard. City Manager Darrell Maple said he has confirmed meetings with the U.S. Corps of Engineers and state Division of Governmental Coordination to answer questions about a new permit application submitted by the municipality. The city originally sought permission from the corps to

place a wood-waste fill in the area. Letters strongly opposing the plan came from federal resource agencies, however,

prompting the city to change the permit application. The new

application, scheduled to be faxed to officials in Anchorage and Juneau today, will seek permission for a fill of earthen material surrounded by a rock dike. The application also changes

the intended use from parkland to water-related industry.

State environmental officials in a June 7 letter to Maple said they were concerned that the original application did not include adequate provisions to manage leachate from the wood wastes.


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