
Summer has come! Summer is a time of plenty. Flowers have bloomed. Our gardens are growing in the summer sun. We feel energized by the sunlight. We celebrate the return of the salmon, a blessing which in large part supports our town and region. We also celebrate the opening of crab season, the return of the migratory birds, and the fattening of the deer. Summer is a blessed time of year, when the promise of spring comes to full fruition.

It is also a time when the promise born in the dark of winter comes into the life of the church. Jesus Christ was born in cold December. In the spring of the world He died for us and rose again. In the summer, the hope He gave us lives in our hearts and we celebrate His glorious resurrection. In this time of year we celebrate the light and joy; both that He gave us, and that comes to us in

We pray for a strong return of the salmon, a bountiful harvest from our gardens, and that the joy which we experience in the summer will invigorate our hearts to serve.

Ryan Howe,

Island of Faith Lutheran Church


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