Police reports

Monday, June 29

Criminal mischief.

Phone harassment.

Report of possible theft.

Tuesday, June 30

Welfare check—Person was fine.

Report of missing person. Person returned home.

Citizen Assist.

Report of animal abuse.

Report of lost medicine.

Agency Assist—Line Department.

Wednesday, July 1

Police arrested David Taylor, 55, on charges of Assault 4.

Report of suspicious vehicle.

Report of lost bike.

Fireworks complaint.

ATV complaint.

Welfare check on individual.

Agency Assist—Sewage Treatment.

Thursday, July 2

Traffic Stop—Verbal warning for driving habits.

Friday, July 3

Traffic Stop—Verbal warning for no taillights.

Found bike.

Traffic Stop—Verbal warning for driving habits.

Firework complaint.

Citizen Assist—Unlock vehicle.

Domestic—Verbal only.

Police issued a citation to Lorena Marie Cano, 48, for no insurance. Cano also received a verbal warning for equipment.

An officer responded to a firework complaint.

Saturday, July 4

Concerned citizen.

Domestic dispute.

Fire alarm due to barbecuing.

Police arrested Laven Ritchie, 18, on charges of Driving Under the Influence and Minor Consuming Alcohol.

David Churchill, 18, received a citation for Minor Consuming Alcohol.

Report of Motor Vehicle Accident.

Citizen Assist—Unlock vehicle.

Report of Motor Vehicle Accident.

Report of a disturbance. Unable to locate.

Sunday, July 5

Courtesy Transport.

Citizen Assist—Unlock vehicle.

Police issued citations to Brandon Luck, 17; David Churchill, 18; and Ruben Lewis Delgado Fields, 16 for Minor Consuming Alcohol.

Civil issue. Extra patrols requested.

Citizen Assist—Child did not want to go home. Officer took child home.

Unsecured Vehicle—Door was open on a vehicle. An officer secured it.

There were five ambulance calls during this week.


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