City clerk receives higher certification

Borough Clerk Kim Lane recently received her master municipal clerk (MMC) designation from the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC), a professional nonprofit which promotes continued education among clerks and similar administrators worldwide.

"It's huge because that's the highest you can go as a clerk," explained Christie Jameson, Lane's predecessor in the post. Before retiring in 2012, Jameson had earned her own MMC in 2008, which she has continued to renew.

The MMC program is the higher of the two professional designations granted by IIMC, the other being certified municipal clerk (CMC).

In order to receive the higher designation, a clerk must hold a CMC and be in good standing with the IIMC, reaffirm the body's code of ethics and submit supporting documentation.

"It's a long process. It's very prestigious," Lane said. There are currently only 18 active MMCs in Alaska. Lane received the certification on June 26.

In addition to the paperwork, requirements and formalities, candidates for the certification are also assessed on a point basis, where they demonstrate professional proficiencies and undergo educational programming.

To earn the MMC, a clerk needs to earn 40 points for education and 60 for experience. Lane explained it took her a year and a half to go through the training exercises and meet other requirements for the certification.

"Quite a bit of it is online," she explained. Lane also earned points for attending a developmental training in June and for attending IINC and Alaska Association of Municipal Clerks conferences last fall. Earning her MMC is a requirement for the position, and Lane explained the city paid for her travel and training.

What value the certification brings to the community is a declaration of proficiency of knowledge and skills critical to good government.

"The benefit is that I can be the best clerk for the city of Wrangell," explained Lane. She has served in her current position since June 2012, after working as a deputy clerk in Ketchikan.


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