Public Health issues vaccination reminder

As parents run through their back-to-school checklists, Wrangell’s Public Health Center urges them not to forget vaccinations.

As August is National Immunization Awareness Month, health nurse Ty Esposito said her office provides all the necessary childhood shots, including diptheria, rotovirus and hepatitis shots.

Adults are admonished to get their vaccinations as well, for pneumonia, tetanus, zoster, meningitis and human papillomavirus.

Next month, the office will be offering its annual round of influenza vaccines as well. The shots are available regardless of insurance status. First shots cost $27.44, with subsequent vaccines costing $17 apiece.

Shots are also available with Alaska Island Community Services, and Wrangell Medical Center is planning to hold its annual flu clinic in October, at a date to be announced.


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