Regular season wraps up for Muskeg Meadows

After a rainy summer punctuated by four cancelled tournaments, Muskeg Meadows Golf Club decided to end its season early. Following the Sea Level Seafoods tournament last weekend, the course is now closed to regular play for the year.

Course Manager Laurie Overbay Burrows said this season has been slower than most, following one of the wettest Julys on record for Southeast Alaska. Wrangell absorbed 9.81 inches over the month, with two-thirds of its days experiencing some precipitation.

Muskeg Meadows will still host weekend tournaments, with five booked over the next few weeks. The Harris Air 9-hole, best-ball tournament is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, with the Boy Scouts annual tournament to be held next Wednesday. The Senior Apartments/Al Kaer Memorial Tournament is scheduled for Aug. 29, with the Club Championship to be held the following day. The last tournament of the year will be sponsored by Breakaway Adventures, a 9-hole best-ball on Sep. 7.

Originally to be sponsored by Live Wire and Roberts Construction, Sea Level Seafoods stepped in to save last weekend's tournament after the two were unable to proceed.

Fourteen players participated in the two-day tourney. The team of Brian Smith, Larry Johnson and Grover Mathis took first place both days, with a score of 21 on Saturday and 22 on Sunday, and a handicap of 15.

Jim and Betty Abbott, Faye Kohrt and Chris Ellis took second place on Saturday, with a net score of 22 and team handicap of 18. Betty Abbott came out with the straightest drive, at 86.5 inches. Player Greg Scheff had placed closest to the pin, at 24 feet and 7 inches.

On Sunday, Robert Macis, Clint Lewis, Vern and Dustin Phillips placed second place, with a team score of 23. Vern Phillips' drive couldn't have been straighter, landing directly on the line at zero inches.

Prizes and lunch were available to participants, and two round-trip Alaska Airlines tickets donated by Sea Level were won by Macis and Johnson.

For next year, Overbay Burrows said she has some ideas to present before the club board. Among her plans for bringing in more golfers, she thought more family days such as the annual Elks Fathers Day picnic might be a good idea.


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