Police reports

Correction to August 13 Police Report as provided by Wrangell Police Dept.:

Wednesday, August 5

Citation issued to Mark Hamley, 38, for Driving with a Revoked License and No Proof of Valid Insurance. (Gary Hamley’s name had erroneously been provided.)

Monday, August 10

Person reported fireworks going off. UTL.

Person report fireworks going off. Police issued a verbal warning to stop.

Tuesday, August 11

Traffic Hazard: Manhole cover was off and was put back on.

Long term DVO order served.

Wednesday, August 12

Traffic Stop: Verbal warning for driving habits.

Agency Assist.

Report of Harassment.

Citation issued to Barbara Viens, 65, for Parking on Roadway.

Dogs at Large.

Thursday, August 13

Noise Complaint.

Friday, August 14

Citizen Assist: Unlocked vehicle.

Concerned citizen reported intoxicated person in Panhandle walking around. UTL.

Saturday, August 15

Criminal Mischief: Person reported wires in vehicle being cut. Under investigation.

Citizen Assist: Unlock vehicle.

Sunday, August 16

Suspicious circumstance reported. Unfounded.

Citizen Assist: Individual was unable to unlock vehicle.


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