Celebrate Christmas

Another Christmas is here along with the lights, shoppers and all the other festive activities. A festive Christmas seems to create false expectations that are impossible fill. Somebody will get sick, another cannot come home or that one of a kind special gift is nowhere to be found. All this to satisfy what has become a meaningless ritual that is placed on our VISA card.

The original purpose of Christmas is lost to Santa, Rudolph or some other fictitious tale. Please, don’t take me wrong, my family continues to enjoy each of these festive things at a very special time of the year. However, when trouble shows up, it will not be Santa that I call on for help. Rudolph is a great story, but his red nose offers me no hope.

Jesus raised the dead and healed the sick. He fed the hungry and also gave sight to the blind. Most of all, He, is the real reason for Christmas. Jesus said that He came to seek and save the lost. Oh, He also is coming again. How do I know? He said he would come the first time and He did.

At Christmas one may miss the festive side of Christmas because of hardship, but still can rejoice because of the first Advent of Christ.

Pastor Doug Shoultz

Wrangell Bible Baptist Church


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