Elf For Hire!

Santa said he was looking for an elf to hire at the North Pole. I think we have some great applicants in Mrs. Angerman’s 2nd grade!

Santa, I think you should hire me because, I’m good at gift wrapping I have been doing it for years .

Love, William

Santa, I think you should hire me. I can bwild wooden cars. I will make wooded hover car. I have made wooden car. I will make them every day. I will paint the wooden cars. My favorite toy is a car.

Love, Lucas

Santa, I think you should hire me because Im the best at not telling others what their present is. I kept a secret from Sophia’s present because it was special.

Love, Christina

Santa, I think you should hire me for an elf. I’m the best organizer ever! I can organiz your gifts really nicely. I can organiz books in your bag. I organiz Lego creations and laundry. If you don’t pick me please pick me next Christmas.

Love, Tank

Santa, I think you should hire me becous I like to help my parents. I like to help my mom with dishes. I like to give my dog bathes. I like to help my brother make his bed. I love to help even you, please pick me!


Santa, I think you should hire me because I would be the perfect fix it guy! I once fixed my toy car. I follow rules and directions really well. I’ll be the best elf! I hope you choose me.

Love Ian

Santa, please hire me to take care of the reindeer because I’m responsible. At my house I always keep my room clean and tidy. I feed and water my pet everyday and take him for walks. If I have homework I complete it before school. I really love reindeer! Please hire me for the job!

From Donovan

Santa, I think you should hire me because I can decorate the tree with lots of ornaments and lights. One year my mom bought candy canes and I put them on the tree perfectly. One year I put the star on top too. Another year I put the lights on.

Love, Shelton

Santa, I think you should hire me because I’m the best cookie maker I know! I can make sugar cookies and I can get the frosting too! I’ve made cookies before at my birthday. I will even get you milk so you can dip the cookies. Santa, I really hope you pick me to be your elf!

Love Paige

Santa, I think you should hire me to make presents because I’m good at making toys. I will make cars for all of the kids if they want them. I have made a toy sward at my house. I love making toys. Please hire me!

From Nathan

Mr. C, I think you should hire me because I can get your bag organized and ready in time. Every time I clean my room I always fold my own clothes. I help my mom wash the clothes and I love doing it! And I help my sister clean her room. Please hire me and I’ll clean your sled and organize your bag.

Love, Zariah

Santa, I think you should hire me because I can decorate the tree with a lot of ornaments. I can put a lot of different ornaments on the tree. I can put the shine and sparkle on the tree. I have put ornaments on my tree with my mom! Decorating the tree is fun. Santa, pretty please pick me.

Love Anthony

Santa, I think you should hire me because I can make toys out of the toy machine. I can make the prettiest gift wrap ever. I can make Mrs. Angerman a gift. I love making toys! Please hire me!!

Love, Dayne

Santa, I think you should hire me because I’m good at mechanical stuff! I helped my Dad on a four-wheeler. I helped my dad on a boat and hot it working. If your sleigh breaks down, I will fix it! I hope you hire me.

Love Brody

Santa, I like to wrap presents because I wrap presents a lot with green and red too. I make the gifts look perfect. I like to use the most perfect ribbon that I could find. Santa, please can I be an elf? I really like to wrap presents a lot and I know I would be the perfect elf for you. I hope you hire me!

Love, Andrew

Hi Santa, I think you should hire me. I can organize the presents! On Christmas Eve I organize the presents and it always looks good. Also, I could organize the toys too, like the dolls. I can also organize the reindeer. I can organize really good. I just hope you pick me.

Love, Roma

Santa, Please hire me. I’m a good student. I help my dad all the time with cars. Please hire me.

Love, Boomchain


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