Holiday activities for adults and children alike

New Year’s Eve is one of the most festive nights of the year, when friends and families gather to count down the waning moments of the year as they anticipate the fun times ahead in the year to come. While adults tend to look forward to New Year’s Eve festivities more than children, there are ways parents can ring in the New Year with their kids.

Invite kids into the kitchen. New Year’s Eve festivities often include food, so why not invite youngsters into the kitchen to cook alongside you? Kids may not be interested in preparing the main course, but let youngsters get involved when baking the night’s more delectable treats, like cookies and cakes. Little ones can choose their favorite treats and then help Mom and Dad prepare those treats for guests coming over to join in the festivities. Decorate cakes and cookies with a New Year’s Eve theme.

Pick funny resolutions out of a hat. New Year’s resolutions are a big part of the holiday, and families who want to add some fun to this tradition can sit down and write their own funny resolutions. Keep the resolutions you write down to yourself, place each person’s ideas in a hat and then pick them out before the kids go to bed or right after the clock strikes midnight, whichever happens to come first.

Make a New Year’s piñata. Many people love to watch the ball drop from Time’s Square in New York City on New Year’s Eve. Celebrants can bring a taste of this beloved tradition into their own homes come New Year’s Eve by creating a piñata that looks exactly like the ball in Time’s Square. Fill the ball with treats and games for youngsters, who can take chances trying to break the piñata once the clock strikes midnight or earlier if they aren’t likely to still be awake by the time the new year begins.

Make predictions for the year to come. Another fun and wholesome New Year’s Eve activity parents can enjoy with their children is making predictions for the year to come. Ask young sports fans to predict which teams will win championships in their respective leagues while encouraging other youngsters to share their predictions on awards shows or other popular social events for the coming year. Younger kids might not be able to make such specific predictions, so ask them to write down what they hope to see happen in the new year.


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