Mrs. Miller's 3rd Graders are Thankful with many Holiday Wishes!

My wish is for everyone to have a great life. I hope people will be good to each other, and not bad. I am thankful for freedom, so I can go to school and learn all I can. I am thankful for my teacher because she’s the BEST! My family takes care of me and I am thankful for that. My wish is for everyone to have good friends, a good school, and a good family. I wish everyone in the world a very Merry Christmas!

by Johnny Allen

I am thankful for all of my family including my mom, dad, brother, grandmas, and all my cousins. They help take care of me, are fun, play with me, and they help raise me. I am thankful for my pet cat because she is nice and snuggly. My class is also something I am thankful for. We are all in the class and will be with each other for a long time. My teacher is cool. I like her oil diffuser she uses in the classroom. She helps me a lot on my work. My wish for the world is that all the bad people not being bad, but good. Merry Christmas!

by Elizabeth Kissinger

My wishes for the world are for everyone to have shelter, food, and loved ones around them on Christmas and always. I am thankful for my grandparents, my mother, and my father. They all do so much for us and I want to thank them for it. I am thankful for my teacher because she teaches us a bunch of new things that we didn’t even know, she helps me on my goals, and she reads to us. I wish everyone in the world a Happy and Merry Christmas.

by Kayla Young

I am thankful for the land we live on because the people on Wrangell Island are so nice. Also, because it is peaceful and no tornadoes happen here. I mostly like Wrangell because I’m not worried that anything bad will happen here. We are all lucky to live here with each other. I am thankful for my family who takes care of me and makes sure I have

shelter. My school is a great place to learn. My wish for the world is for everyone to have a very Merry Christmas!

by Trevyn Gillen

I am thankful for my family, friends and educators. I have so many things to be thankful for. When teachers are helping me, I am thankful for it. When I am feeling down, my family makes me feel better and my friends make me feel silly and happy. When I am sad, my educators help me feel smart! Sometimes I am not thankful, but I try to remember to take a deep breath and remember how good my life is. You can do that too. In the world, I wish everyone had a nice family or nice people to live with. I want war to stop so there’s peace in the whole world for everybody. Have a Merry Christmas!

by Clara Waddington

One of my wishes for the world is everyone having homes. Another is for everyone to make their own good choices. I would like all people to have good food and water. I am thankful for my school, because without my school I would not be as smart! I am thankful for my mom and dad because without them I would not be alive right now. I am thankful for firemen and policeman who help keep our community safe. I am thankful for our hospitals that take care of us. Merry Christmas!

by Rhiannon Wenzel

I wish that the whole world was in peace. I’m thankful for everybody in my community because most of them are nice to me and I want everyone to be nice to everyone. I am thankful for the people who make the school a better place. My family is something I am very thankful for because they provide food for me, my mom does laundry, and lots of other stuff. My wish for everyone is to have a great Christmas!

by CharLee Seimears

I am thankful for having a mom, dad, three awesome brothers, and my dog. I am happy for living in Wrangell and my family taking care of me here. My wish for the world is for everyone to have a home so they all will be safe. I hope everyone has food to be healthy and strong and water so no ones throat is dry. I hope everyone has friends so no one feels left out. I am thankful for my teacher. She is my favorite teacher because she helps everyone with their work and helps the other grown ups too and she is so nice. She has us do work first and no dilly-dallying. My wish for school is for everyone to eat healthy lunches. I wish a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all! Make good snowmen!

by Della Churchill

What I am thankful for is having a great home, great parents, and a great brother. It makes me thankful when people are nice and when people are helpful. I am thankful to have food, clean water, and clothing because not all people do. We are lucky to all live in Wrangell because there’s no traffic, no burglars, and it is small. I like that I go to a great school with all of my friends. They are all nice there. I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!

by Aubrey Travers

One wish I have for the world is for everyone to have a family. Families provide

company, help when you are hurt, and food. Another wish is for all people to have a home. Homes provide a place to sleep, be warm, and safety. I am thankful for friends because we can work together on math problems, we have fun together, and they are funny! I am thankful to live in Wrangell because we do not have any tornadoes, hurricanes, or bad floods. I am also thankful for our school and for my teacher, Mrs. Miller because we do so many fun activities and we learn so much! Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year!

by Timothy Garcia

One of my wishes for the world is to have no more war. Another wish is for everyone to have a good, warm home. A third wish for the world is for every child to have a good school to go to like we have in Wrangell. I am thankful for my family because they are nice and we do fun family activities. I am also thankful for my school because I have learned a lot since my first year here. I am very excited about all of the fun activities we do as a class this year. My wish is for everyone to have as much fun and learning as we do in our classroom. I wish Wrangell a wonderful New Year!

by Ander Edens

I am thankful for my family because they put a roof over my head, they work so we can have money lunches and dinners and stuff, and they buy me school clothes. They love me so much. I am thankful for Wrangell because it’s a nice place to live. I am thankful for our school because it is a place that helps the kids learn. I am thankful for my teacher because she helps us learn lots every single day, like she helped me learn multiplication and multiplication is fun! She taught me a little bit of division already too! My wish for the world is all the kids get a chance to learn multiplication and division in a good school too. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

by Amber Gifford

I am thankful for my family because they take care of me. They all love me and I love them. I am thankful for my teacher and my classmates because they help me learn and become smarter in so many ways. I am thankful for my house because it gives me shelter and a warm place to live. I am thankful for my school because it gives me a place to learn to read and so many other things. I love Wrangell because of all of its great wonders! I wish everybody a Merry Christmas!

by Mara Stolley

I am thankful for God and Jesus. My wish is for everyone to have food and water because not everyone has these things and they need them to be healthy. I hope everyone has a home to stay warm and safe in. We all need shelter. Not everyone has homes. I wish for everyone to have enough to money to buy the things they need. I hope everyone has a good job to earn good money. My wish is for everyone in my family, my school, and my community to have a good Christmas!

by Lindee McIntyre

I wish that everyone had a home. Homes keep us dry and safe. My wish for everyone is to have a car, a truck, or some vehicle to get around safely in. That way people don’t have to get their feet tired or be out in the cold. I am thankful for family, food, and friends. Friends help us, family keeps us safe, and food makes it so we don’t starve. I am also thankful for hospitals, policemen, and firefighters. Also, my teacher, because she makes everything fun! My Christmas wish is for there to be no more war. Merry Christmas!

by Adeline Andrews

My wish for the world is for all people to treat all people equally because that will make God happy. I hope everyone in the world has a home so the world can be a happier place. It would be nice if everyone shared healthy, good foods. I am thankful for having a life in Wrangell because I have been in TONS of places. Wrangell is the best because I like the rain, weather, and I am thankful for my family, friends, and pets. My family takes

care of me. My dog, well, he just barks at people but I love him anyway. Friends are very nice to me most of the time. I am thankful for the whole world and I wish the whole world a Merry Christmas!

by Hannah Buness

I wish everybody in the world had their own Triceratops. I’m thankful for Santa and the Polar Express and my new Pen Pal, Mason. I wish for a white Christmas, so everybody in town can go sledding and have snowball fights.

by Mason Buness


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