Santa's Mailbox

Dear Santa

Please May I haVe a SMall 4 Wheeler and Leeos


Santa I want a choker necklace, a new backpack, or a play kitchen please. I’m going to put out cookies because I really like you Santa! I’m excited for Christmas and the presents piled on my couch! I love you Santa!

Breann Boon,

Grade Kindergarten,

Age 5

Deer Santa,

My name is Shelton Eklun I am in seckent grade. I am 8 yers old. and I want a elf on the shelf and a toy pteradacktel for CHrisMas. How many rein deer doo you have.

Love Shelton,

Age 8

Dire Santa

I wunt a keubord

I ben good

I like chrismis a lot because I git to Play in the snow and visit with my family.

Kasey Whitaker,

Age 6

Deer Santa,

my NaME IS BRAdley eklund I am 6 years old. Im in KIndreartn. I WANT A TREt An Bom bbatree at criemas.


My Christmas list

A new bike with a new helmet, or a new barbie with a princess dress please Santa.. I love you Santa!

Jayden Gillen,

Age 2

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would really love to get a new bike, or a Thor costume, or a stretchy guy action figure like from fantastic four. Your the best I can’t wait until 23 more days until Christmas! We will have cookies and milk for you! This us from Landen Ray Gillen and I love you!

Landen Gillen,

1st Grade, Age 6


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