Truck takes out playground fence at Shoemaker

A vehicle lost control near Shoemaker Bay Monday morning and took out about 260 feet of chain-link fencing around a playground.

In a pickup truck on Zimovia Highway northward toward town, a driver reportedly lost control after hitting a patch of ice and slid off the road.

"Basically it was black ice," explained Chief Doug McCloskey of the Wrangell Police Department.

A witness reported the accident at around 9 a.m. and the driver remained at the scene until police responded. He was cooperative, and McCloskey said there were no injuries.

Public Works director Amber Al-Haddad said a contractor has been contacted with the details.

"We'll obtain a quote and move forward with that," she said.

In addition to the fencing, some posts and a gate were damaged, and Al-Haddad explained those would need replacing as well. The cost will become clear when the city receives a quote, but the driver's insurance will likely pay for repairs.

The parks and recreation department has closed the playground until maintenance can be performed.


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