Papers delayed by broken platemaker; delayed part delivery

Editions of the Petersburg Pilot and Wrangell Sentinel have been delayed for the past two weeks due to a breakdown of the platemaker at the Pilot printing plant. Once our staff and an electrician were able isolate the cause of the malfunction, the replacement part was ordered from the factory in Denmark.

“On Tuesday of this week we learned the part was delivered to the Brussels, Belgium airport that was bombed,” explained publisher Ron Loesch. “We don’t know how long the part shipment will be delayed,” Loesch added.

Orin Pierson worked with factory repairmen and electrician Darby Mattingly last Wednesday to locate and repair the malfunctioning transformer.

Plates for both editions were produced at the Ketchikan Daily News last Thursday morning and were flown to Petersburg on the ACE freight plane.

Publisher Ron Loesch said, “We’re indebted to Lew and Tena Williams at the Ketchikan Daily News who, along with their staff, got us our printing plates the past two weeks. Both newspapers have nearly identical platemaking equipment, enabling them to provide back-up when breakdowns occur.”

We appreciate the patience of our customers and hope to be back on schedule next week, pending the arrival of the part.


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