
May 4

Shapleigh W. Howell, 82, appeared before First District Judicial Officer Leanna

Nash on the violation charge of Groundfish Taken with Commercial Salmon Troll Gear Eastern Gulf Area – 1st Offense. The defendant pleaded guilty to the charge, and was ordered to pay $160 in

fines and surcharges. The ling cod fish seized was forfeited to the state, and a charge of Commercial Fishing State Permit Required was dropped.

Douglas D. Herr Barker, 54, appeared before First

District Judicial Officer Leanna Nash for the violation

charge of Groundfish Taken with Commercial Salmon Troll Gear Eastern Gulf Area - 1st Offense. The defendant pleaded guilty and was ordered to pay $160 in fines and surcharges, and forfeit a seized ling cod.

May 17

Andrew A. McNabb, 14, appeared before First District Judicial Officer Leanna Nash on the charges of Reckless Driving and Driving Without Valid OL-Exc. Exp. Less 1 Year, both misdemeanors. The defendant pleaded guilty to the charges and was handed a suspended imposition of sentence. McNabb was ordered to pay $100 in surcharges, complete 120 hours of community work service and had his license revoked for 30 days. He has been placed on probation for one year, and is to write a short paper on the dangers of driving without a license while young.


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