The Way We Were

June 6, 1941:

Samuel R. Privett, a resident of Wrangell since 1927, has taken over the Union Oil dealership here. He succeeds Edward J. Bradley, who has been the dealer here for seven years, said he would be selling heating oil as an independent dealer. Privett, who has been associated with the logging industry during his fourteen years in Alaska, took over the dealership last Friday. He is being assisted in the operation by Jimmy Early.

June 6, 1966:

Wrangell will have its

first backout next Wednesday night. Following a conference with Governor Gruening, Director of Civil Defense,

here this week Mayor E.J. Wheeler set a test backout for that day and time to see how the organization would function

in case of an actual emergency. There will be one continuous blast of the siren at 10 p.m. on Wednesday. All persons

listed in the Home Defense organization are expected to report to their stations as outlined in last week’s official notices. If you are not sure about your station, ask Chief of Police C.H. Lloyd. Leaders

are expected to count their turnouts and report to

headquarters. Since publication last week one new patrol has been formed. It will be known as the Mobile Fire Equipment Patrol and will report to leader Roy Dolan at the Totem shed. Men in this unit are: Dolan, Tom Elswick, William Willard and Andrew Prussi.

June 6, 1991:

Snow geese resting at the Stikine River delta will

be pictured on the 1991 Alaska Waterfowl Conservation Stamp. Fish and Game Department officials said the

stamp designed by artist Ronald J. Louque of Virginia will be issued July 1. The stamp is required along with a federal duck stamp, for Alaska

waterfowl hunters. Selection of the artwork was done by

commission with an artist after a competitive bidding process. The commissioning of

artwork was a first in the six years of the program. The 1991 design also is the first to present not only waterfowl, but also important habitat and

hunting areas in the state, officials said. The 1991 duck stamp art print also will be available through local art galleries by mid-July, they said. The design planned for 1992 will feature canvasbacks on the Yukon Flats, followed in 1993 by Tule white-fronted geese in Redoubt Bay, officials said. Louque prepared for design of the 1991 stamp by spending time this spring on the Stikine delta, observing and recording the northward spring journey of lesser snow geese bound for Wrangell Island in the Chukchi Sea.


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