ADFG announces new king salmon sport conditions

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announced on Tuesday that modified king salmon sport fishing regulations that have been in effect for Wrangell and Petersburg’s District 8 are rescinded.

As of this morning, the increased sport fishing opportunity for the district has come to an end, bringing regulations back in line with those of the wider Southeast region. Under the regulations, an Alaska resident permit-holder can bag and possess a limit of three king salmon, of 28 inches or greater in length.

Nonresidents are limited to one king salmon, except in May and June when the bag and possession is increased to two. An annual limit for nonresidents has been set at six king salmon. Those harvested must be recorded in ink on the reverse of the angler’s sport fishing license or nontransferable harvest record at the time of the catch.

All anglers must again revert to using only one rod, except from Oct. 1 to March 31, 2017, when two rods are permitted.

ADFG explained its in-season estimated terminal run size did not align with the preseason forecast, and under the Stikine River King Salmon Management Plan the increased opportunities were no longer justified.

In a separate release on May 26,

ADFG announced the bag and possession limit of kings in the Wrangell Narrows-Blind Slough terminal harvest area have been modified

and will still be in effect. As 3,900 Crystal Lake hatchery salmon are expected to return to the

terminal harvest area this year, hatchery broodstock needs should be adequately met while allowing for an increased sport fishing opportunity.

In the Wrangell Narrows-Blind Slough area from June 1 through July 31, residents and nonresidents alike can bag and possess two king salmon 28 inches in length or greater, and two fish less than 28 inches in length. Additionally, nonresidents do not have to count these king salmon toward their annual limit.

The area in question encompasses Wrangell Narrows south of Martinsen’s dock and northeast of the northern tip of Woewodski Island, and includes the fresh waters of Blind Slough upstream of the line between Blind and Anchor points.

Contact the Petersburg and Wrangell area management biologist at 772-5231 for information.


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