Public Health to field questions on nursing cutback

With Wrangell’s Public Health Center effectively unmanned due to statewide budget cuts, steps are being taken to ensure area residents can still receive some level of service.

Citing budget cuts of nearly 25 percent over the past two years, Alaska’s Division of Public Health announced in May its decision not to replace its nursing position in Wrangell, as well as to eliminate the location’s office assistant position.

The division’s regional Public Health Nurse manager, Sarah Hargrave, explained the office itself will remain open, providing services on an itinerant basis. Petersburg PHN Erin Michael will set up monthly visitations for immunizations, family planning services, school screenings and other activities.

“That can change if there’s a particular community need,” Hargrave said.

She and Michael will both be in town on July 6 to meet the public, answer questions about upcoming service and discuss changes to the PHN program.

“My thought was having it be an open time for community members to ask questions,” Hargrave said.

The session will be held at 5 p.m. in the community room of the Alaska Island Community Services clinic.


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