
We celebrate our independence. We go out in the streets and proclaim what a great country we live in. All is well with us on that great day July 4th. Along comes the next day when we return to our daily work no matter what that is. We greet each other with “Did you have a good 4th?” Now we have moved to the end of July the celebration is behind us, we still remember but we have stopped talking about it until Next Year.

One may ask why we set this aside so quickly is a mystery. I know as American’s we care. Maybe we forget the sacrifices that have been made by so many that allow us to lead our lives. I don’t think so.

Maybe we are just too wrapped up in our daily lives that it is just too much to handle. Whatever the reason the fact remains we as humans continue on with our lives.

Sunday is just a day also. We get up and go to church and for a few hours we celebrate the sacrifice our Lord and Savior did for us. We ask for forgiveness of our sins and for the Lord to be involved with us in our lives. Then comes Monday and we go back to work. Do we forget what the message was in church yesterday? Do we greet one another with “How was church yesterday”?

Maybe we do or don’t but one fact remains our Lord and Savior doesn’t forget us. He is always involved in our lives. He guides us and is beside us when things are upsetting to us. He never forgets His children.

Don McConachie

St. Philips Church


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