Muskeg Meadows news

Smitty’s Carpet & Livewire LLC Best Ball Golf Tournament was held August 20-21 with 15 and 18 participants.

August 20: First Place Team: Kitty Evars, Juli Allen, Eric Kading. Net Score: 20. Team Handicap: 18. Second Place Team: Grover Mathis, Kevin Skeek, Joe Delobrue. Net Score: 22. Team Handicap: 17. Third Place Team: Faye Kohrt, Kaley Burk, Chris Ellis. Net Score: 22. Team Handicap: 18. Straightest Drive: Doug Nelson 6’ 3/4”. Closest to Pin: George Woodbury 30’ 6”.

August 21: First Place Team: George Woodbury, Frank Roppell, Eric Kading. Net Score: 23 with a tiebreaker. Second Place Team: Kitty Evers, Faye Kohrt, Keene Kohrt. Net Score: 23. Third Place Team: Kein Skeek, Brian Smith, Bill Mesmer. Net Score: 26. Straightest Drive: Aaron Bolton 13”. Closest to Pin: George Woodbury 23’ 10”.

The Harris Air 9-Hole Best Ball Tournament will be held August 26- 27.


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