Meet the Candidates - The Wrangell Hospital Board

Patrick Mayer , running uncontested for two unexpired two-year terms, expiring in 2018

Current superintendent of Wrangell Public Schools. Current member of the boards for Wrangell Chamber of Commerce, the Southeast Regional Resource Center and the Wrangell Salvation Army. Formerly on the board of the Children's Place, and a member of the Healthy Wrangell Coalition.

Why do you wish to continue serving on the Hospital Board?

"The opportunity to serve on the Wrangell Hospital Board provides a chance to support an extremely important community organization as both an educator and as a citizen. There are

emerging opportunities between the Wrangell Hospital

and the Wrangell Public Schools that will provide CNA offerings to both students and community. There are also possibilities for the development of other programs. In addition, as a citizen of Wrangell I see the importance of a strong, vibrant medical infrastructure, that just like a strong school system,

encourages people to move to Wrangell with their families for the long term."

In the coming two

years, which issue do you believe should be a main priority for the board?

"The discussion of thoughtful hospital expansion and an introspective look at what constitutes quality health care."


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