Meet the Candidates - The Wrangell Hospital Board

Barb Conine, running one four-year term, expiring in 2020, seeking reelection

Retired business

administrator and consultant. Current treasurer of the board, elected in 2012 for unexpired term and reelected same year during general election for full term.

Why do you wish to continue serving on the Hoaspital Board?

"Because I didn't finish my job the first time. I wanted to make sure we at least had the financing in place, broke ground, or gosh, even completed a building. But we didn't, so I want to see to it that we do it this time, and we have a better chance now."

In the coming two years, which issue do you believe should be a main priority for the board?

"Well obviously, it's to get a new hospital. Thanks to TruBridge I think our finances are finally stable now, and we

would like to see this continue. And I guess, other than that, it's just the regular day-to-day stuff making us the best we can be for this community."


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