Alaska pot regulators approve first retail license

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) – The owners of Frozen Budz have high hopes now

that they’ve received

Alaska’s first retail marijuana license.

Destiny Neade, co-owner of the Fairbanks business, received a round of applause from the audience after she won unanimous approval for the inaugural permit from the five-man Alaska Marijuana Control Board.

She clapped with both hands above her head after getting the OK. As she walked back

to her seat, she told the audience, “Now all I need is some herb.’’

“I’m excited because I really need to start making some money,’’ Neade told The Associated Press.

She and her husband Nick Neade have poured more than $150,000 into their fledgling business. They hope to open shop by Oct. 1.

The board has been working on rules for the industry since the November 2014 vote approving the recreational use of marijuana. Pot is also legal for adults in Washington state, Oregon, Colorado and the District of Columbia.

State marijuana regulators approved the Neades’

application during a two-day meeting in Anchorage. The board was also to consider marijuana retail permits from 16 other applicants, plus a rash of manufacturing and cultivating permits.

The Neades’ also received approval for a product

manufacturing facility, and

regulators painstakingly addressed many of her 40 or so proposed products to make

sure they adhere to state regulations. More than 25 were approved before the

board decided to hold some for another meeting because

the process became so


Frozen Budz received approval to make such items as cannabis-infused butter, oil, brownies, caramels, truffles, cookies, cupcakes, fudge, banana bread, ice cream,

granola bars and breakfast treats called Wake and Bake Bars.

“We’re kind of that home-feel bakery but infused with marijuana’’ she said.


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