
The Lost Ship

There was a boy who loved to watch the ships sail. One day while walking home, He thought “I can build a sailboat.” He thought about the design and went about collecting the needed materials. He borrowed tools from his dad, a saw, a drill, sand paper, paint and a brush. He made the boat with his own two hands. He took it on the water and a wind came up and blew it away from shore. As he was searching for it, he heard his mom call him to dinner. He obediently went home. Sadly he sat through the meal and then the family helped him look for his boat. All along the shoreline they looked but couldn’t find it. Sometime passed and the boy took all his savings to town to see what he could buy. He saw his boat in a second hand store. It cost him all that he had but he gladly paid the full price.

Jesus designed and created us. We were lost in a world of sin, so He came looking for us and when He found us, He willingly paid the full price to redeem us from our transgressions. When you see a sailboat, think of the boy and his lost ship and remember the Savior and His lost children blessings.

Pastor Charlie Meigs

Seventh-day Adventist


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