The Way We Were

November 16, 1916: Victory of newly elected Democratic Congressman Daly celebrated in Wrangell. When Hon. Charles A. Sulzer realized that he had been elected to Congress it is doubtful if he was any more jubilant over the result than one of his Wrangell friends. Dr. Pigg, who has spent every spare moment of his time for the past three months boosting Sulzer, was just bubbling over with joy. He felt like celebrating, but the doctor never celebrates alone. He arranged a Sulzer ball for Saturday night at the Redmen’s hall. He was not content to have present only those who had helped to elect Mr. Sulzer. A special invitation was extended to Wickershamites. The invitation was generally accepted, the Wickershamites being well represented.

November 14, 1941: Democracy is on the march and with a united people girding themselves with a defense program ready to meet any eventuality it will continue to march ahead to victory for a free and just world, Robert C. Evans declared in an address which highlighted the Armistice Day-Defense Day celebration here Tuesday, which was sponsored jointly by the American Legion and the Wrangell Lodge of Elks. The day’s program started with the patriotic program in the Coliseum theater Armistice Day morning with the Rev. Arnold Krone, Chaplain of the Elks lodge, presiding and concluded with a dance, given by the Legion, in the evening at the ANB hall, Chairmen Harry Williams of the Elks and Roy Dolan of the Legion arranging the joint observance.

November 11, 1966: Wrangell voting was down in Tuesday’s election with snowy, blustery weather prevailing. Wrangell Stikine voters cast 483 votes plus 18 absentee ballots for a total vote of 501. This was a drop from 691 cast in the 1964 election and the 650 cast in 1962. In Wrangell precinct No. 1, Republicans took the lead for all offices except U.S. Senator E. L. Bartlett who triumphed there as he did throughout the state. In the Stikine precinct former state senator James Nolan received a write-in for governor and councilman Al Ritchie, Sr., a write-in for secretary of state.

November 14, 1991: The Alaska Energy Authority has issued a warning to the Thomas Bay Power Authority: Clean up your act at the Tyee hydro project in 30 days or AEA will take control. In the wake of the inspection, Thomas Bay has scrambled to comply with the AEA and project manager Warren Edgley has been relieved of his duties by “mutual agreement.” An Oct. 22 and 23 AEA inspection of the Tyee Lake Hydro-electric Project left state officials less than enthusiastic about the direction the Tyee project is headed. The inspection was conducted by Afzal Khan, a manager with engineering, and Remy Williams, a senior operations engineer. Khan noted in his trip report, “Williams and I concluded that the Tyee Lake Project has not been operated and maintained in accordance with standard utility practices. if this mismanagement continues, the Tyee Lake Project will deteriorate and eventually major equipment failure will occur.”


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