Reflections: The seasons of island life

When I moved to Wrangell the first of July, my experience of seasons was limited: spring, summer, fall and winter. When I graduated from seminary I added the seasons of the Lutheran church, including Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter and the longest season of all—Ordinary Times. Our seasons each have their own color to set them apart and remind us where we are in our journey through the church year.

A new resident of Wrangell, I soon became aware that I had joined a community awash in seasons!! Life in Wrangell moves from one season into the next: deer, elk, moose, salmon, halibut, crab, shrimp, and cranberries—high and low bush. Many festivals and special events add to rich island life.

There is a year-long season here that flows seamlessly through the year—the season of generosity and good will. The citizens of Wrangell are willing to spend their time supporting local schools and agencies and working to make the community a good place to live. Of greater significance is this community’s immediate and generous response to welcome newcomers, support neighbors who are in need or aid those who have experienced loss.

It seems appropriate to wait for the birth of the Christ child in a community that understands the ministry of the babe in the manger: to save, to serve, to love. I wish you a blessed Christmas.

Pastor Nancy Gradwohl

Island of Faith Lutheran Church


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