Municipality of Anchorage settles port lawsuit with PND engineers

Anchorage, AK – The Municipality of Anchorage, which sued PND Engineers, Inc. in 2013 over the failed Port of Anchorage Intermodal Expansion project and sought more than $100 million in damages, has settled with PND for $750,000. PND was the designer of record on the project, which was halted before completion of the construction.

“We are happy to settle this meritless suit against us for less than the cost of going to trial, and move on with the business of engineering,” said Jim Campbell, PND President.

PND’s Open Cell Sheet Pile™ design was originally selected for the Port of Anchorage Expansion Project after a lengthy review by multiple local, state and federal agencies, and subject experts in soil mechanics and seismic design. To combat the Municipality’s subsequent contention that the project suffered design problems, PND and other design defendants brought in additional top internationally-recognized experts in engineering, soil mechanics and seismic stability, who were able to clearly explain why the Municipality’s contentions were wrong, and that the design was suitable.

PND stands behind its Open Cell Sheet Pile design which has been used successfully in more than 180 projects worldwide.

“The OPEN CELL™ design provides advantages in many infrastructure projects and has been successfully installed all over the world,” said Campbell. “As the lawsuit progressed, testimony and expert studies showed that PND’s design was suitable for the project and the problems with the Port of Anchorage project in 2008-2009 were the result of poor management and construction practices.”

PND was the first to raise construction concerns and called for dredging and dive surveys that confirmed construction related damage in 2009. PND Engineers is consistently ranked as one of the top firms in the country in their field.


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