Fish Factor: Demand for fish captured wild in the US shows big gain

Seafood sales at American retail stores are on an upswing and should remain that way for the foreseeable future. Better yet - demand for fish captured wild in the USA showed the biggest gains of all.

That’s good news for Alaska, which provides nearly 65

percent of wild-caught seafood to our nation’s supermarkets (95 percent for salmon!). A new survey by trade magazine Progressive Grocer showed that retail seafood sales rose nearly 40 percent over the past year, and 56 percent predicted an upturn in seafood sales this year.

U.S. wild caught

seafood topped the list for the highest demand increase by nearly 58 percent of retail respondents, especially products from Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico.

A breakdown of the 2017 Retail Seafood Review by Seafood Source showed that wild-caught seafood also was perceived as being of higher quality, and 53 percent said wild tastes better than farm raised goods.

The review said Americans are buying less beef, chicken and pork due to health concerns, and issues linked to animal welfare and environmental impacts.

Analysts at FoodDive said “This gives retailers an

excellent opportunity to grow the seafood category, but much work is needed in terms of advertising and consumer

education to get customers to bite.”

To lure more seafood

shoppers, experts advised

sellers to increase in-store

signage and make smarter use of digital coupons and promotions. Workers behind the

retail counters, they said, should be better trained about fish varieties, if it is wild or farmed, and how to prepare it.    The Retail Seafood Review said that temporary price reductions were the most popular and effective form of promotion.  Asked what they would like from seafood suppliers to help improve sales, respondents suggested “lower pricing on less popular fish to get people to try it.”

Fast food fish flap - Here’s a fun take on fast-food fish sandwiches with some biting feedback.

Writers at Business Insider sampled seven sandwiches, with Arby’s “gummy” Crispy Fish “with no taste or joy” ranking last.

Dairy Queen’s Alaska Cod sandwich is described as “a fillet slicked by a spill of tartar sauce that would offend even the Exxon Valdez disaster.”

Burger King’s fish sandwich is “gray and sad,” McDonald’s is “boring.” White Castle’s fish slider is crispy, but “bland and sorry looking.” Popeye’s Seafood Po’boy has “more breading than fish.”

The winner? Wendy’s premium cod fillet which the Insiders said reminded them of an “honest to goodness fish fry.”

Salmon center stage – Any Alaskan will tell you they want to protect our wild stocks of salmon, but how to do that brings different perspectives. A Salmon Policy Forum in Juneau will advance the discussion, with a focus on the Alaska laws that protect salmon habitat.

“This forum is not intended to push any agenda. It is educational and informational and a way to get ideas on the table and have a more in-depth conversation,” said Lindsey Bloom, manager of the Salmon Habitat Information Project for United Fishermen of Alaska, a forum co-sponsor. 

Panel discussions will include historians, scientists, managers, miners and hopefully, legislators. The forum is set for April 11 from 5:30 to 8pm at the Rockwell Ballroom. It is co-sponsored by the Center for Salmon and Society at the College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences at the University of Alaska/Fairbanks, and Salmon Connect. Find more information on Facebook.

Crew cash - Fishermen can get cash back for their crew license fees—if they purchase them on line.

It’s the first year that the Alaska Department of Fish and Game is providing the online opportunity to replace paper licenses being purchased from vendors.  It’s more convenient for customers and switching from paper to eLicenses saves the state lots of cash.

“If we were able to achieve 100 percent online sales for licenses, it would save the department a couple hundred thousand dollars. Even at 50 percent sales, it’s a big savings for us,” said Forrest Bowers, deputy director of the commercial fisheries division in Juneau.

Crew licenses are the latest addition to ADF&G’s online store, which offers print at home options for nearly every Alaska fishing and hunting license and more.

The department hopes to lure fishermen to the online store with 10 free crew license giveaways.

“If you’re randomly selected the cost of the license will be refunded to you,” Bowers said, adding that the deadline is October 6.

Annual commercial crew licenses cost $60 for Alaska residents and $277 for non-residents. Seven day licenses cost $30 for both resident and non residents.


Navy training correction – The ordnance expected

to be used during the Northern Edge 2017 exercises in the Gulf of Alaska are two Navy Destroyers and one

replenishment ship. According to a March 27 message

from the public affairs

office at Alaskan Command, the ordnance is similar to what was used during Northern

Edge 2015: 15 inert/non-explosive naval gun shells, approximately 2,100 small arms rounds, five signal flares, six floating targets and 250 active sonobuoys


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