USCG cutter recalled from visit by medical emergency

A Coast Guard cutter stationed in Ketchikan was due to stop in to Wrangell over the weekend for its Tent City Days celebration, but unexpectedly had to divert course and return home en route.

The CGC Anthony Petit was about 31 miles away when it abruptly changed course Friday evening.

“Unfortunately, just by Lincoln Rock, a member of our crew developed a serious medical condition,” explained Petty Officer 1st Class Jonathan Bauer. The ship made speedily for home, the crew member was successfully transported for emergency care, and is currently down in Bellingham undergoing treatment.

The cancelled visit would have allowed for public tours of the Anthony Petit, giving residents a chance to meet with its crew of 24 and inspect the vessel while also learning about its mission. The 175-foot, coastal buoy tender has been featured at Tent City celebrations in the past, though in recent years the stop has been more difficult to schedule.

USCG allows for such visits when operationally available. The cutter’s primary mission is in maintaining navigational aids around Southeast waters. Bauer explained the team supports an assortment of assets from Dixon Entrance past Juneau, just short of Haines.

Harsh weather coming through the region’s inner waters can damage indicators and buoys at any time, so the Anthony Petit is kept on readiness status 24 hours a day.

“That keeps us on our toes,” said Bauer. The vessel supports other USCG efforts in the region as needed, and can coordinate with other assets so it can undergo its own maintenance periods.

The Tent City visits come as a

pleasant respite then, allowing crew members to take in the sights – maybe take in a round of golf – while also allowing the public a chance to see what they do firsthand.

“We were really looking forward to it,” said Bauer. “A lot of guys were

looking forward to getting around the city.”

There may be other opportunities in the future, and the petty officer said next year’s Tent City Days is on the crew’s radar. Festival organizer Kelly Gunderson said she would like to try and coordinate other visits by the Anthony Petit and other Coast Guard assets, not only for Tent City but for July 4 and other events.


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