Grey's Passage area closed to King fishing

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announced Tuesday king salmon sport fishing regulations have changed for the marine waters adjacent to the Stikine River in District 8, near Petersburg and Wrangell.

From May 25 through July 15, sport fishing for king salmon is closed for the Grey's Passage area. This area is defined by all waters encompassed by a line from Babbler Point to Hour Point; Point Highfield to an ADFG regulatory marker located at the eastern entrance of Blind Slough; a regulatory marker on the eastern shore of Mitkof Island the mouth of Jap Creek on the mainland shore (see map).

In all other areas of District 8, the king salmon bag and possession limit for all anglers is one king salmon, 28 inches or greater in length.

Anglers are reminded that the Southeast Alaska nonresident annual limit of three king salmon continues to apply in this area. Sport fishing for king salmon remains closed in the fresh waters of the Stikine River and its tributaries.

As king salmon have started to return to the Stikine River, in-season forecasting indicates a run size lower than the preseason forecast of 18,300 large king salmon. This newly available information indicates that the lower bound of the Stikine River king salmon biological escapement goal is unlikely to be attained and further restrictions to the sport fishery are necessary.

This action is being taken to conserve Stikine River king salmon by closing areas adjacent to the mouth of the Stikine River and continuing the reduced bag and possession limit for the remainder of District 8 during the time when Stikine River king salmon are present in the marine sport fishery. For king salmon regulations outside of District 8, please see current news releases posted at local boat harbors and launches or on the Alaska Department of Fish and Game website.

For further information concerning this announcement contact Petersburg/Wrangell Area Management Biologist, Patrick Fowler at 772-5231.


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