King salmon limits for Wrangell Narrows-Blind Slough announced

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish announced the bag and possession limit of king salmon in the Wrangell Narrows-Blind Slough terminal harvest area, effective June 1 through July 31.

Under the regulations, king salmon bag and possession limits for residents and nonresidents will be two fish for those 28 inches or greater, and two fish less than 28 inches in length. Additionally, king salmon caught by nonresident anglers in the terminal harvest area do not count toward their 2017 nonresident annual limit.

In 2017, 2,500 king salmon from the Crystal Lake hatchery are expected to return to the terminal harvest area. Returns of this size are expected to provide for hatchery broodstock needs while allowing sport fishing opportunity. In accordance with the Wrangell Narrows-Blind Slough Terminal Harvest Area Salmon Management Plan (5 AAC 33.381), the department is directed to establish the above bag and possession limits when the projected return of king salmon to the terminal harvest area is at least 2,000 fish but less than 4,000 fish.

Anglers are reminded that snagging is not legal in the fresh waters of Blind Slough. When fishing upstream of a line between Blind Point and Anchor Point any fish hooked elsewhere than in the mouth must be released immediately. Bait may be used from June 1 - November 15 in the freshwaters of Blind Slough.

For further information contact Petersburg/Wrangell Area Management Biologist, Patrick Fowler at 772-5231.


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