Tribal administrator resigns from WCA

Wrangell Cooperative Association administrator Aaron Angerman announced his resignation from the position, finishing last week.

Handling front office, project management and grant administration duties for the Tribe, Angerman served in the position since its creation in the spring of 2015. In leaving, he explained he and his family will remain in Wrangell, but will be taking time to focus on other projects.

WCA Board president Richard Oliver said council members will need to address the future of the position, what its continued parameters will be and whether some of the roles should be divided. Wrangell’s Tribe recently added a specialized office position to handle tourism-related activities, with Rachel Moreno hired to direct those efforts last month.

“We have to have a meeting and figure out what to do next,” Oliver explained. One has not been scheduled, but once other business comes up a meeting will be held.

In the meantime, Esther Ashton from the WCA Transportation Office will be filling in for some of the position’s office duties.


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