The Way We Were

June 14, 1917: The School Board has elected Miss Edith Carhart principal of the Wrangell Public School for the coming term. Miss Carhart is not a stranger in Wrangell, having been principal of the school here during the term of 1909-10. She was re-elected but preferred to return to the States. She has had 17 years experience. For the past three years she has been principal of the Fobes school at Snohomish, Washington Miss Tressa Curtin has been elected teacher of the primary department. Miss Curtin has had 11 years as a teacher, seven of which were spent in the Fobes school at Snohomish. She has worked with Miss Carhart for the past three years. Miss Carhart and Miss Curtin had both been reelected in the Snohomish School for another year, but preferred to come to Alaska. A primary teacher has not yet been selected.

June 12, 1942: The following announcement is made by William T. Mahoney, U.S. Marshal, First Division: The United States Marshal has been requested by Gen. Buckner to assist the army officials in preventing the sale by firms or individuals of any photographs and photographic postcards showing views of cities and military objectives in the First Division. The public is also warned that anyone found in possession of a camera or binoculars within the military area or vicinity of any town or base in the First Division in the Territory of Alaska will be subject to arrest and may be excluded from the Territory of Alaska. All stores or individuals having pictures of scenes of waterfronts, oil tanks or communication centers should withdraw them from sale. A record must show name and address of purchaser with date of sale. It will be subject to periodic inspection by army officials.

June 9, 1967: A Search and Rescue squad to coordinate air, sea and land searches in cases of missing persons in the Wrangell area was formed here this week with C.V. Henderson of the state Fish and Game Department appointed chairman. Other officials of the group are Bob Hillier, secretary, Ed Morarity, treasurer, Al Ritchie Jr. and Charles Traylor, board members. Outlining its program. a group statement said: “The two obvious ingredients of any search are man power and money.” The man power for this organization will necessarily come from the community as will the funds. A fund raising drive will be held Tuesday evening, June 20, under the direction of the Wrangell Fire Department. Anyone interested in assisting in the work is asked to contact C.V. Henderson. “If you are going out, picnicking or for any other reason tell some responsible person where you are going and when you expect to return.” In the event anyone is overdue call Stikine Air.

June 11, 1992: A bone marrow drive will be held on June 20, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the St. Philips Episcopal Church Parish Hall. The Wrangell Lions, who are sponsoring the drive, are looking for people between the ages of 18 and 55 to become donors. It is estimated that approximately 150 cancer patients live in Alaska who could benefit from bone marrow transplant. Since individuals inherit tissue typing in the same manner as eye, hair and skin color, chances are best of matching within the same racial group.


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