New elementary principal selected, up for visit

A new principal has been hired for Evergreen Elementary School and is expected later this summer.

A selection panel made up of Wrangell Public Schools teachers, paraprofessionals, the secondary schools principal and superintendent have unanimously approved the hire of Gail Taylor for the position. Taylor is currently the elementary principal with Haworth School District in Haworth, Oklahoma.

Relating her background, Taylor explained she is a graduate of Southeastern Oklahoma State University with an associate's degree in business, a bachelor's in elementary education and a master's in school administration. She has two decades of educational experience, having taught kindergarten, second and fifth grade classes for 12 of those years.

Taylor plans to transition to Wrangell during the third week of July with her husband, Keith, and their daughter, McKel.

"I've been looking to leave Oklahoma," she explained, particularly as the Sooner State deals with its own budget crisis.

Enjoying outdoor activities like fishing and hunting, the Taylors were drawn to opportunities in Alaska, and were happy to see an open position as principal in Wrangell.

Taylor and her husband will be in town this week for a site visit, arriving yesterday and staying on through Friday.

"We're coming up to meet everyone," she explained. No formal functions have been scheduled by the district for their visit, but the new principal will have an opportunity to meet with staff and various community members.

In addition to her certifications in Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas, Taylor has also served on several committees within her district and state, including the John F. Kennedy Arts Center's Partners in Education program, Johnson O'Malley and the Oklahoma State School Board Association. That involvement is something she wishes to continue doing in Wrangell.

"We really like to be involved with our community and our church," she said.

She expressed her excitement at the opportunity to work with WPSD and its parents, staff and students. "Through a close and collegial partnership, I am confident that we can continue to create a successful learning environment for all Wrangell students," Taylor said. "Together we will succeed."


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