'Not guilty' plea entered in car thefts

The man accused of a spate of vehicular thefts earlier this month has entered a not guilty plea this week, and the case is expected to go to trial in August.

Lief Cheyenne Bosdell, 20, appeared for his arraignment at Wrangell Courthouse on Monday. He had on June

9 been charged with seven felony counts of vehicular theft and three additional misdemeanor counts of criminal mischief. If convicted, the charges together carry a maximum jail sentence of 35 years and one month and up to $356,000 in fines.

The alleged thefts took place in Wrangell between June 2 and 8, with most occurring on the nights of the 6th and 8th. Two vehicles – a Lincoln sedan owned by Angelika Hall and a Chevrolet pickup belonging to Levi Dow – were rendered unusable during suspected joy rides, with the car catching fire and the truck’s engine seizing before being abandoned. The undercarriage of a Nissan pickup owned by Daniel Doak was also damaged, the vehicle high-centered on a log during an attempted jump at the horse track, while a Ford Ranger belonging to James Lane was stuck off a nearby road without significant damage.

Trial has been set for the week of August 21, scheduled to begin August 22 at 9 a.m. In addition to the local charges, Bosdell is already awaiting criminal proceedings in Anchorage for four

misdemeanor counts stemming from two different offenses. In one, allegedly transpiring on March 31, Bosdell is accused of tampering and damaging property, and faces one reckless injury charge. The other, on April 4, is another charge of property damage.

Bosdell has previously been convicted of one offense in Wrangell, for driving

without a license back in August 2015. He had also been cited for possession of tobacco by a minor in July of that year.


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