The Way We Were

July 5, 1917: Friends of Staff Captain and Mrs. Smith gave an evening in their honor at St. Philip’s Gymnasium, Friday at 8:30. About sixty persons took this occasion to wish the Smiths a safe voyage and a prosperous future. In behalf of those present Rev. Coarser made a brief address in presenting the Captain with a beautiful album of Alaska views, and Mrs. Smith, with a handsome Indian basket. An informal program was arranged and Mus. C. G. Burnet delighted the company with a reading and Mrs. M. O. Johnson sang unusually well. Both ladies responded with encores, which were duly appreciated by the audience. Coffee and cake were served later in the evening and many joined in a few familiar songs before the party adjourned.

July 3, 1942: Wrangell Rationing Board on instructions from Mrs. Mildred R. Hermann, Territorial Director, set up headquarters in the City Hall this week with Mrs. M. O. Johnson in charge of the office on a part-time basis. The office will be open from 9 to 11 a.m. and 2 to 7 p.m., daily expect Saturday afternoons. Wrangell tire and tube quota for the month of July the Board announced from Juneau is as follows: Five new passenger tires, three tubes, eight new truck tires, three tubes. Office of Price Administration price ceiling program for Alaska has not yet been released. It is ­expected to be shortly and then meetings here to acquaint merchants and consumers with the set up. Mrs. Hermann will be here for these meetings.

June 30, 1967: Air Force Staff Sgt. Louis F. Wigg, Jr. son of Mrs. Sara Wigg and the late Louis F. Wigg Sr., left Wrangell the 24th after a short visit with his family here. Wigg, a trained jet mechanic, also has pilot rating and has flown flight patrol in Thailand for the past year. He has had 11 years in the service. Assisting Mrs. Wigg in entertainment was Wigg’s sister Bertha Larsen and family. From here Wigg will be at England Air Force Base in Lousiana.

June 25, 1992: Political changes in the former Soviet Union could be major threat to Alaska’s salmon industry because of salmon runs that rival Alaska’s in size, Kim Elton, executive director of the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute, said recently. ASMI receives funding to promote the buying of Alaska’s fish in domestic and international markets.


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