Yesterday's News

August 30, 1917:

Miss Genevieve Swift was married in San Francisco a few days ago to Walter Peterson. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Charles Borch of Wrangell. She was born at Klawack, and her childhood was spent in the north. Two years ago she spent the summer in Wrangell with her sister, Mrs. J. G. Bjorge. Mr. Peterson, the groom, is a bookkeeper for the firm of J.W. Leviett and Co., San Francisco.

August 28, 1942:

Providing he gets the necessary permit on schedule and other hazards of war time transportation being equal, F.G. Hanford, well known Wrangell man, will be home the last of next week. According to information received here, Wrangell’s Hanford went east in order to visit relatives in Michigan and to call in Washington, D.C. in behalf of Wrangell interests in the national capital. While in Washington he conferred with Delegate Dimond and other lawmakers on plans for a memorial to be built here in honor of the late Bishop Rowe, conferred with W.E. Crouch of the Fish and Wildlife Service on tentative plans for the establishment of an Alaska headquarters.

August 25, 1967:

Figures received by Mrs. Molly Lawton, state vehicle licensing agent here show the rapid increase in vehicles in Wrangell. In 1963 there were 326 licensed vehicles, which included two wheeled trailers and motorcycles. In 1966 there were 450 licenses, which do not include city, state and federal or out-side of the state vehicles. As of August this year there were 550 trucks and this figure does not include city, state and federal cars and trucks. No wonder it is hard to find a parking space on Front Street these days.

August 27, 1992:

At this time, there are nine holes of golf on the new multi-use fill area. The cups are in and the flags and tee markers are stored in the north end of the baseball building at Volunteer Park. The present course layout is posted on the wall of the storage area. The lock combination is available by calling 2018 or 3816. The committee is gathering information on what is the best ground cover for the fairways and green would be, keeping in mind it is a multi-use area.


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