
It is September 2017 and school has once again started. From my window in the Wrangell Senior Apartments I see the youngsters coming up the street to the elementary school; a rain coated brother looking less eager than his sister; here come two boys racing each other on their bikes and jumping off to greet one another. The big yellow school bus pulls up unloading its load. A little girl hurries to meet a friend, and a boy is sharing some toy from his backpack with a friend. Here comes the proud parent holding tight to a tiny hand while also pushing a baby buggy and controlling a dog.

Inside the T.V. tells of riots in Charleston as historic statues are torn down going right into the devastation from hurricane Harvey. Next come broadcasts of the enormous threats of Irma across the islands and into all of Florida to be followed by Jose. I turn the channel and the screen comes active with review of scenes of the horror of the attack on the world trade center. I wonder what lies ahead for these youngsters. To hold through the storms and waves in their lives ahead?

Rain now falls on my garden out the window. The children are now inside and I turn to my open bible and the verse that I spy is Hebrews 6:19. “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul. Firm and secure.” Isn’t an anchor just what our children need to keep their lives from drifting? The hope is God’s promise to be with, keep, and protect all who put their faith in him.

In Deuteronomy 6:6 God tells us: “These be in your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road; when you lie down and when you get up…” Jesus warned us “in this world you will have money troubles but take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33.

My prayer is that the “anchor” (the Lord Jesus Christ) will hold these young ones and we adults securely in the storms and gales ahead.

Jacquie Dozier

Hope Community Church of God


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