Dan Rudy / Wrangell Sentinel count
Bobbie and Bob Robbins help Akenna Lewis, Delilah Roane and Sawyer Larrabee learn about bones. In particular, the students tried to classify animals' eating habits based on what their teeth look like.
Dan Rudy / Wrangell Sentinel count
A similar concept to "Hot Potato," players take turns playing a high stakes game of "Pie Face!" Points are earned for every crank of the handle they take without getting splatted. Jayden Weatherman has a laugh as Jeff Jabusch takes some whipped topping to the face.
Dan Rudy / Wrangell Sentinel count
Emily and Carter Cummings take turns drawing sticks from a game of Kerplunk.
Submitted Photo count
Alexis Easterly learns about the island's timber industry.
Submitted Photo count
Landen Gillen observes a cannon at a display on Fort Stikine, inside the Wrangell Museum.
Dan Rudy / Wrangell Sentinel count
In a quieter part of the school, Mariah Mork and Peter Houser get read to during Grandparents' Day.
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