Police Report

Monday, September 18

Agency Assist.

Agency Assist: Parks and Rec.

Reckless Driver.

Suspicious circumstance.

Civil standby.

Suspicious circumstance.

Tuesday, September 19

Agency Assist: Alarms.

86 letter.

Hit and Run accident.

Subpoena Service.

Wednesday, September 20

Noise Complaint: Person shooting off seal bombs: Officer responded.

Noise Complaint: Disorderly conduct: Warning given for loud music.

Domestic: Arrested Jason Lee Garringer, age 46 on charges of domestic disturbance..

Thursday, September 21



Friday, September 22

Suspicious circumstance.

Subpoena Service.

Driving Complaint.

Suspicious Noise.

Saturday, September 23

Found Property.

Civil: Custody Issue.

Traffic Stop: Verbal warning for tail lights not working.

Suspicious circumstance: Car alarm set off.

Sunday, September 24

Agency Assist.

Noise complaint.

Report of Theft.

Suspicious Circumstance.

Civil Issue: Child Custody.

Citations issued to Dixie Booker, age 36: Dog at large and license required.

There was one animal complaint and three ambulance calls during this reporting week.


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