Wrestling team starts season with service project

Wolves Wrestling began its impending season with a community service project, cleaning up the firing range off of Spur Road.

"It was really a mess," recalled Jeff Rooney, the team's coach.

An assortment of junk and debris had accumulated around the site, including small plastics, glass, and "rotten stuff from the last 15 years," added Jack Carney, assistant coach.

As in past years, Wrangell High School is encouraging its students to take an active role in bettering the community. One way to do this is through the various extracurricular programs, which are being encouraged to arrange at least one service project as a way of saying 'thank you' to the town for its support.

"They changed up our community service this year, and wanted it to be more of a team thing than an individual effort," Rooney explained.

"It won't be our only thing, but that's the official one," Carney added.

With a lot of avid hunters in the program, cleaning up the range seemed like a good fit for a project. Before getting into their busy training schedule, after school on Monday the group headed out the road to get to work.

"We took our whole team and did a quick workout out there," said Rooney. After a weight session and a quick run, wrestlers grabbed bags and began collecting debris.

"We filled up my truck pretty good," their coach said.

The team's first bout will be here at home, with an invitational scheduled for October 13 and 14. The high school could potentially field 11 or 12 wrestlers, though the roster is still being assembled this week. Last year the team graduated four of its members, but Rooney said the rest appeared to be on board again for another season.

"We're always optimistic. There's a great group of kids," Rooney commented. "We're really looking at some good finishers again this year."

The program is looking for new officials as well, with a training clinic still being arranged.

Rooney said the goal is to have at least two referees for each host community this season. Those interested in assisting can contact activities director Trisa Rooney at the high school by calling 874-3395.

In addition to public service, Wrangell High School this year has been encouraging its various programs to arrange fundraisers for themselves to help defray costs for travel and other necessities. By now a local tradition, Rooney said the wrestling team will be holding its annual halibut dinner and silent auction next weekend, October 7. Those interested in attending need only look out for wrestlers plying tickets around town, or can contact Carney at the school by calling 874-2525.

"They should be out in force," Rooney said.


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