The Way We Were

November 8, 1917: A cry of distress was heard in Wrangell about 10 o’clock Tuesday night when a passenger off the Dispatched walked off the Columbia and Northern dock, falling into four feet of water. The traveler had been seen uptown for several hours and gotten in such a condition that he needed a friend to look after him. However, his splash in the icy water of the bay tended to have a reviving effect. At least there was nothing the matter with his voice when it came to waking the town to the fact that he had come to grief. Marshal Earl West, Wm. Patterson and others went to his rescue.

November 13, 1942: Officers of the Wrangell chapter of American Red Cross express themselves as highly appreciative of the added interest shown in Red Cross work by the women of Wrangell since an appeal was made two weeks ago for volunteer workers. Although the response has been gratifying, there still is an urgent need for more workers. Materials and directions may be obtained from the Red Cross headquarters in the Civic Center. For those who wish to make use of the sewing facilities of Red Cross, the sewing rooms are open on Tuesday afternoons. It is earnestly hoped that every Wrangell woman who has time to devote to this patriotic cause will do so. His efforts of those who have felt their responsibility for this have greatly speeded up the accomplishment of Wrangell’s quota of humanitarians of war work Red Cross assignments. With the coming winter season there is an increase in the need of warm garments for service men and for others whose needs are met by Red Cross.

November 10, 1967: Wrangell Banker Ed Rasmuson picked out selections on the piano at his farewell dinner Saturday night. Marc Langland who was in Anchorage previously, will replace Rasmuson as the manager of the local branch of the National Bank of Alaska. Rasmuson is moving to Anchorage.

November 12: 1992: The Wrangell Police Department will be back up to full strength soon, following the hiring of a new officer. Doug McClosky will be filling the position opened up when Bruce Pratz left the force in mid-October. McClosky has served the past 10 years as a deputy sheriff in Beaverhead County, Montana. He also served as the resident deputy for Wisdom, Mont. Wrangell Police chief Brent Moody said that position represents “a huge responsibility.” McClosky was chosen as the top of eight finalists from a field of 22 applicants.­­­


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