SEARHC help office adds Saturday hours for health enrollment period

This year open enrollment in the state’s health insurance marketplace has been shortened to six weeks, beginning yesterday and running through December 15.

Enabled through the Affordable Care Act, Americans meeting certain criteria can apply for government subsidies for participating insurance plans. Before the start of each calendar year, they are required to prepare submissions for new or renewed coverage through the website during this open enrollment period.

As previously announced last month, SouthEast Alaska Regional Health Consortium has offered to assist potential enrollees in the region, with its Outreach and Enrollment office able to walk people through the online registration process. The program also offers free assistance for those turning 65 to apply for Medicare, veterans applying for benefits, Medicaid applications, and Tribally Sponsored Health Insurance (TSHIP).

Due to the shortened enrollment period, on Tuesday SEARHC announced its Outreach and Enrollment counselors will be opening their Sitka office Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., in addition to its usual 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. hours during the work week. Four counselors are there to help individuals navigate the health insurance marketplace by phone anywhere in Southeast Alaska, or else in person at their offices in Juneau and Sitka.

In its release, SEARHC advised potential applicants that the cost of health insurance plans has gone down this year. Outreach and Enrollment can help them identify which program they may be eligible for with a short series of screening questions, walking them through the particular enrollment process, and can assist if any problems arise after coverage.

“Don’t be shy to ask us questions,” said Susan Briles, Outreach & Enrollment Specialist, “we are more than happy to help.”

To schedule an in-person or telephone appointment Monday through Saturday, individuals can call one of SEARHC’s enrollment specialists. In Sitka, call either Briles at 966-8662, Michaela Dunlap at 966-8920 or program manager Andrea Thomas at 966-8883. In the Juneau area, Mariah Enloe can be reached at 364-4589. People may also call toll-free at 1-855-966-8684, or submit to them an email at

Wrangell Medical Center also offers resources to assist in navigating the Marketplace. Residents can contact social worker Mary Campbell during the regular workweek at 874-7191.

As well as the shortened enrollment period and lower costs expected for next year’s plans, other changes to the federal healthcare program are expected. One is a broader exemption to employers from covering female contraceptives. Previously, under the ACA health care insurers have been required to cover the cost of at least one form of the Food and Drug Administration’s 18 approved methods of birth control for women, at no out-of-pocket costs to the consumer.

In October the Department of Health and Human Services and other agencies announced new rules would be in effect for 2018, broadening exceptions already established for church and religious organizations and some for-profit corporations. All plan sponsors, including institutions of higher education, would thus be able to deny contraceptive coverage on religious and moral grounds.

The Division of Insurance of the Alaska Department of Commerce reminds consumers that women may still obtain contraceptives at zero cost sharing under an optional accommodation process. An exempted employer must notify HHS of their objection, which notifies the consumer’s insurance provider in turn, which then provides the coverage at no cost. Those concerned about a change in contraceptive coverage are advised to reach out to their employer or insurer to determine whether changes can be expected. Alaska law requires that insurers provide at least 45 days’ notice prior to any change in benefits.


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