Wasted buck reported on Nemo Loop

Alaska Wildlife Troopers were called out to the 10-mile point of Nemo Loop Road late last week, after a slain buck was reportedly unsalvaged.

Trooper David Bozman drove out to the scene on November 3, where a spike buck lay at the roadside. It was likely the deer was killed on or around the day.

“This is the second wasted deer this year that I know of,” he commented. Another deer, this time a doe, had reportedly been shot and abandoned at a gravel pit near 3-Mile Zimovia Highway on or around September 23.

Under Alaska Department of Fish and Game regulations, wanton waste of big game meat is considered to be “an extremely serious offense,” punishable by a fine of up to $10,000 and one year in jail. Anyone having information about the incident is asked to contact AWT at 874-3215. Those wishing to remain anonymous can additionally provide information at the Wildlife Safeguard hotline at 1-800-478-3377.

As the area deer season progresses, hunters are reminded to punch their harvest tags before they begin moving or preparing the carcass for processing. Bozman said that, along with shooting from the road, these are the two most common issues troopers tend to see.

Under ADFG regulations, harvest tickets must be carried in the field and must be validated by cutting out the month and day immediately upon killing game. Each validated harvest ticket must be kept in the hunter’s possession until that animal has been delivered to the location where it will be processed for human consumption.

Also in the regulations, shooting on, from or across the drivable surface of any roadway or highway is strictly prohibited in the state.


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