
A film about the life of Baha’u’llah, Prophet and Founder of the Baha’i Faith, will be shown on Fri., Nov. 24, at 6 pm in the Stikine Fireview Room. This is a follow up event in recognition of the 200th anniversary of His birth, held October 20. The purpose is to acquaint people with His life and teachings as they impact our modern world. The evening will begin with a potluck dinner. Everyone is welcome. Activities will be provided for children. 

Wrangellites joined millions of others around the world in celebrating this event. Our program featured a traditional welcome, a Yupik dance - the Reindeer Herding Song, a prayer in Tlingit, a performance by members of the Stikine Strings, and music sung by children who attend weekly spiritual education classes open to all. The program ended with a delicious buffet and time to socialize.

A few short videos were shown that illustrate principles of the oneness of humankind and the unity of religions. Baha’i communities in Wrangell and elsewhere offer neighborhood-based programs that enable participants to gain insights and practical experience for planning and working together to improve our lives. Activities include classes for children, junior youth spiritual empowerment groups, study circles for older youth and gatherings for prayer, all with a focus on learning to be of service to others.

Kay Larson, member of the Wrangell Baha’i community


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